
My Tarot Books

The Mandala Astrological Tarot

By A T Mann

Harper & Row/SF (US, 1987 & 1997); Macmillan (UK, 1987),
Interbook (Germany, 1988), Agostini (Italy, 1988)

To be republished with new packaging by Sterling, New York in 2009

The Mandala Astrological Tarot is a book and tarot deck designed and painted by A T Mann. The images are circular mandalas on square cards that can be oriented with the astrological angles and correspond to the signs of the zodiac, planets and decanates. The four-colour book contains complete interpretations, pictures of each card and many new techniques for reading and learning the cards. It is truly the most beautiful integration of astrology and tarot that exists.

300 pages, 350 colour illustrations, many horoscopes, astrological tables.

A complete online interpretation using this deck of cards is now available through try it and see your future.

You can order this book through your local bookshop or:

From the US online bookstore in California, "The Source"

In the UK: The Mandala Astrological Tarot @

The Mandala Astrological Tarot @ Out-of-Print Orders

The Mandala Astrological Tarot: ISBN: 1-85230-323-9


The Elements of The Tarot

(Reissued in 1999 as)

New Perspectives

Tarot: An Introductory Guide to Unlocking the Secrets of the Tarot

And finally in 2000 as:

Secrets of the Tarot: A Guide to Inner Wisdom

By A T Mann

Element Books (UK & US, 1993); Forlaget Forum (Sweden),
Lindhardt & Ringhof (Denmark), Aurum Verlag (Germany), Editiouro SA (Brasil),
Kawade Shobo (Japan), Sinisukk (Estonia), Oferim (Israel).

Republished by Thorsons/HarperCollins UK in 2000.

The Elements of the Tarot is a unique vision of the most popular form of divination practised in the West. It is an ancient system of wisdom that can enhance both your daily life and your spiritual development. This fresh approach to the tarot cards includes guided imageries for each major arcana card, how to interpret the cards, using the tarot for self-development and ways to explore the symbolism of the cards. (Reprinted five times in its first two years.)

190 pages, many illustrations, many tables.


You can order this book through your local bookshop or a signed copy from me:

The Elements of The Tarot @ Barnes & Noble

The Elements of The Tarot (Element Edition) @ Barnes & Noble

The Elements of The Tarot @

In the UK: The Elements of The Tarot @

In the UK: New Perspectives: The Tarot @

Tarot (Sweden)

The Elements of The Tarot: ISBN: 1-85230-422-7

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