
ATMann's Lectures & Workshop Topics

Life Time Astrology

The events and psychological developments of our life unfold in sequence around the horoscope circle from conception to old age. Our important inner and outer events can be dated accurately by using a transparent overlay of a unique time scale and the physical and psychological interpretation of those events is "Your Story". Our life unfolds in four #145;octaves’ of development. Gestation is our genetic and karmic inheritance in the creation of our physical body within our mother. Childhood begins with Birth and describes the creation of our personality and emotional body within our family system. Maturity describes our relationships with partners and the world as we create a mental body. Transcendence is our ability to reach beyond ourselves to empower a higher, transpersonal reality.

The synthesis of astrology, psychology and biology brings a new dimension to astrology and is simple to understand and use as a guide for your life development. You will understand and learn to work with yourself, your family and your life process as a whole of related parts. Tad Mann developed Life Time Astrology more than twenty years ago and has practiced and taught its principles since then all over the world, to astrologers, therapists, healers and interested beginners on the path. (Life Time Astrologywas published in 1984 & 1991; The Round Art: The Astrology of Time and Space was published in 1979 & 1994; Astrology and the Art of Healing was published in 1988; and A New Vision of Astrology was published by Pocket Books in 2003.)

Tibetan Buddhism and Western Astrology

The core concepts of Tibetan Buddhism such as impermanence, emptiness and samsara are extremely relevant to Western astrological practice and philosophy of wanting to help others. Such concepts, as well as powerful afflictive emotions teach us much about how to live our lives in the dharma and how we can use the horoscope to aid our experience. A. T. Mann edited the text of the DVD of the Dalai Lama’s "Kalachakra Tantra Teachings," which is the most astrological of the higher initiations of Tibetan Buddhism. Learn how to begin to integrate Tibetan Buddhist principles into your astrology and your life.

Astrology, Geometry and Your Healing Environment

Sacred space incorporates astronomical, mythic and geometric patterns, reflecting ancient traditions rooted in Cosmos. The sacred images and proportions carry cosmic principles that heal us at home. Lifetime and psyche synchronize planetary rhythms and geometries. Geometry and number are the primary source of magical thought, linking humanity to cosmos. Learn how to bring planetary energies into your world to promote healing and integration. An illustrated talk.


from The Round Art of Astrology

The Mystery of Time

We live our lives in time and are governed by its inexorable process. Time exemplifies the ultimate rules which govern our life: our life in time, begun at conception, and entered at birth, inevitably leads to illness, old age and death. Yet we occasionally escape its grasp in dreams, sexuality, meditation or transcendent experiences in brief moments of timelessness. Few of us understand what time is and how it functions, particularly in its distortions and relativity. Our fundamental ideas about time are often incorrect and perpetuate the deepest wounds we carry within ourselves. In attempting to heal these wounds inflicted by time (or our attitude toward time), we discover the path which leads beyond time.

Embracing Chaos

We trust the accuracy and precision of astrology yet paradoxically need its randomness to allow freedom. Chaos theory teaches us much about basic astrological and psychological mechanisms that we can use creatively to be more accurate and penetrating. Utilizing "fractal branching" makes aspect interpretation far more accurate by the introduction of a third planet. The eternal either-or choices raised by two-planet aspect interpretation can be surmounted and clarified, both for astrologer and client. The principles of chaos theory lead to the creation of a "micro-astrology" which will transform your practice. (Chaos and Order in Astrology will be published in 2000.)

Astrology and the Art of Healing

Astrology and the Art of Healing

The natal chart shows when critical health problems originate. It also provides clues to their re-balancing. When used with LifeTime Astrology the influences from conception and gestation may be discovered and worked with. Often psychotherapy and other more emotional or physical forms of therapy must be creatively combined to effect centering and healing. LifeTime Astrology enables the astrologer to recommend therapies for work on deep seated life issues and their resultant problems by using a Wheel of Therapies, which correlates healing mechanisms with stages of the life process. (Astrology and the Art of Healing was published in 1988.)

The Divine Plot: Astrology, Reincarnation, Cosmology and History

Astrological Reincarnation:

The Foundation of Psychological Astrology

I died as a mineral and became a plant,

I died as a plant and rose to animal,

I died as an animal and I was Man.

Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?

— Rumi, 13th century Persia (as well as in the Upanishads)

Reincarnation describes the spiritual history of the soul and is the source within us of the gods and goddesses – the archetypes of the collective unconscious – yet is expressed through the interaction of spiritual bodies and genetic code. The origin of psychological astrology may be explained through a unique astrological Reincarnation Time Scale, which allows past incarnations to be dated and the soul’s path to be charted into the future from the natal horoscope. You are determining your next cycle of incarnations now!

Case histories of famous and creative people show that our past incarnations may be used in the eternal present as a foundation of creativity and psychological understanding - they are described by the archetypes, or gods and goddesses in our lives. Meet aspects of your lower and higher self in time. RTS table will be given to all participants. (The Divine Plot: Astrology and Reincarnation was published in 1986 & 1991; Elements of Reincarnation was published in 1995; also material from an unpublished manuscript, The Eternal Return.)

Astrological Reincarnation Workshop — Clarifying Our Karma

Reincarnation describes the spiritual history of the soul and is the source within us of the gods and goddesses – the archetypes of the collective unconscious — as well as being keys to our karmic reality. The origin of psychological astrology can be seen in a unique astrological reincarnation time scale, which allows your past incarnations to be dated and the soul’s path to be charted into the future from your birth horoscope. The lecture will present this revolutionary idea and demonstrate how we can discover our previous incarnation periods and the lessons they hold for us.

In the weekend seminar, the events and influences in our life can be traced back to previous times in history when we incarnated the qualities of each planet we carry now. For example, the sign of our moon shows when and how in history our emotional reality was formed. We bring these time traces into the present time and attempt to integrate them into a coherent whole, whether unconsciously or with intention. The horoscope therefore shows our present life against our former lives. We are even determining our next cycle of incarnations by our life action now!

We use guided imagery, meditation and astrological case histories of famous and creative people to show that our past incarnations may be used in the eternal present as a foundation of creativity and psychological understanding — they are symbolized by the archetypes, historical people or gods and goddesses in our lives. Meet aspects of your lower and higher self in time. A table allowing you to date your planetary incarnations will be given to all participants to the weekend workshop. Bring your horoscope and those of friends and family members. Knowledge of astrology is not necessary.

Astrological Memory Theatre

Astrology and Renaissance Memory Systems

Raymond Lull, Giordano Bruno and Giulio Camillo used astrology as a primary language for their worldviews and associated cosmic memory systems. Learning and using astrological correspondences literally re-organizes the brain and integrates one with the cosmos. We can learn much today from the great wisdom of these Renaissance magician/astrologers by exploring this most ancient use of astrology as a practical discipline.

Millennium Prophecies

Millennium Prophecies

The Biblical prophets, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Alice Bailey and American Indians have all prophesied that after the year AD 2000 will be a time of cataclysms, axis shifts and geographic changes. Will we see the End of the World, the re-appearance of the Christ, or 1000 years of peace in the New Age?

Millennium Prophecies is a review of relevant historical and modern prophecies, a speculation about the human need to prophesy, and an informed astrological analysis of the next crucial years of our race on planet Earth. Compare prophecies of St John, Nostradamus, St Malachy and Edgar Cayce, and from the ancient astrologers to the modern. If ‘the end of the world is nigh", this lecture will prepare you for the end . . . or new beginnings. (Millennium Prophecies has been published in twelve languages, including Hebrew & Japanese.)

Sacred Architecture

Sacred Architecture

Early cultures based their architecture on the movements of their gods and goddesses – the luminaries, planets and constellations. The orientation, geometry and form of the megalithic monuments were absorbed into classical architecture until buildings became temples reflecting the elements of the world. Reflecting pools were water, columns were world trees, and domes were heaven and the surroundings sacred gardens. This great tradition created the most mysterious and powerful buildings in history, until the knowledge was lost and became a hidden tradition known only to the Masonic guilds in the renaissance.

The core of the sacred in architecture is based on the relationship between the cosmos and the individual, a relationship that is essential for us to reestablish in our architecture today. This talk is a synthesis of architectural attempts to integrate humanity with the stars. (Sacred Architecture was published in 1993.)

Symbolism and Guided Imagery in Design Education

Modern design education has been dominated by a highly intellectual approach that stresses the translation of ideas to physical manifestation while maintaining a sense of "objectivity" about the designed object. By keeping the object at arm’s length, a number of important characteristics become true about both designer and the designed object.

There is a limited emotional or sensual attachment to the object. This apparently desirable trait lessens the "value" of the object, both to the designer and later to an owner or purchaser. Indeed these "values" are consciously eliminated as much as possible throughout the educational and later work and production process. Achieving the detachment from the designed object leads to less care or concern about the ultimate fate of the object, whether or not it is loved or similarly seen as pure object, and its re-cyclability. This also eliminates a sense of personal "meaning" from the object.

Recent work with symbolism and guided imagery in design education brings a new perspective and greater meaning to the design process.

Sacred Sexuality

Sacred Sexuality

Sacred Sexuality belongs to our ancient past, and to our future. In a world divorced from instinct, it offers a vibrant, visceral and regenerative way forward. Early cultures were based on revering the creative powers embodied by the feminine, which subsequent patriarchal cultures systematically polluted and dominated. In the process the essential dialogue between masculine and feminine qualities was destroyed. The first visions of the magic, beauty, poetry and spirituality of sexuality are powerful factors in the restoration of integration for us, psychologically, physically and environmentally. The foundations of sacred sexuality are symbolic, embedded within the myths, stories and rituals of all cultures, and remembering the power of their vision. This exploration of the symbols and mythologies of the sacred will enable you to understand the power that the sexual polarities within you contain. (Sacred Sexuality was published in 1995.)

Sacred Sexuality and Astrology

In many ancient faiths sexuality was the ultimate sacred act and the central holy sacrament. Lust originally meant joy experienced through unity with the highest divinity, and was a central element of the religions and cultures that revered the feminine. Sexuality is a sacred function and brings life-giving benefits, precious stores of essence and energy, and is the ultimate source of initiation and teachings about life. Sacred Sexuality explores the origins and practices of sexuality as an integration of heaven and earth in many diverse cultures throughout the world. Attitudes toward sexuality have changed profoundly since the ancient Mother Goddess fertility rites and the images of integration between female and male throughout history present an antidote to the repression and gender divisions in modern society.

As astrology is a reflection of life, so we can see in the horoscope the nature of your own sexuality, beginning with your own conception. The sexual relationship between your parents is the foundation upon which your own attitudes and practices are based. Discover simple clues to unlocking this central area of life. Bring your horoscope on a transparency. Sacred Sexuality belongs to our ancient past and to our future. It unites mind, body and spirit and offers us a link between natural, sensual pleasures and profound feelings that are universal and innocent. Tad Mann will explore the rich heritage of the mythology, practices, poetry and beauty of sexuality as a spiritual process in many diverse cultures throughout the world. In many ancient faiths sexuality was the ultimate sacred act and a central holy sacrament, and lust an experience of oneness with divinity.

Mandala Astrological Tarot

The Mandala Astrological Tarot

Tad Mann designed and painted a square tarot deck with circular mandala images which integrates Egyptian, Medieval, Gnostic and archetypal imagery with an astrological structure. The major arcana cards are scenes of the stages of the process of integration into which the initiate places her/himself. Guided meditations and explanations of the cards, their symbolism and the ways in which they may be used aid you.

The interaction between astrology and tarot allows beginners with a basic knowledge of astrology to understand and do tarot readings. (The Mandala Astrological Tarot published in 1987 & 1997 and The Elements of The Tarot was published in 1994.)

Astrology and Tarot

The tarot is a source of ancient wisdom and its images carry archetypal symbolism valuable to personal growth. In 1972 Tad Mann designed and painted a square tarot deck with circular mandala images, which integrates Egyptian, Medieval, Gnostic and archetypal imagery with an astrological structure. The major arcana cards are scenes of the stages of the process of initiation/integration into which we the initiate place ourselves. Guided meditations and explanations of the cards, their symbolism and the ways in which they may be used for guiding our inner and outer process will aid us.

The integration of astrology with tarot allows beginners with a basic knowledge of astrology to understand and do tarot readings, and those interested in astrology to have access to this mysterious oracle. (The Mandala Astrological Tarot [1987 & 1997], Elements of the Tarot [1994].) See the reports I wrote for with the MAT.

Contact me at this link if you have a group and we can talk about it: