ATMann's books on Astrology, Sacred Arts & Tarot
A New Vision of Astrology:
From Conception
to Transcendence
By A T Mann
Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster, 333 pages and 50 illustrations
Four initial postulates created this book: first, the influences in our life come from and manifest through an identifiable cast of characters; second, the events from gestation to birth and the early relationship between our father and mother are an essential foundation of our life; third, the horoscope describes our changing pattern in time as we naturally unfold, develop and change throughout life; and fourth, our biology and psychology are integrated in the total picture of our whole being, linking health, psychology and well-being together.
These issues led the author to reframe astrology itself, resulting in an easy to understand synthesis of astrology with modern developmental psychology, biological time and the Eastern philosophy of karma C a time scale that easily and definitively dates events in your life from conception to old age, based on the ancient perennial philosophy.
A T Mann's original and profound system allows us to convert our understanding of sun sign astrology into a fuller and more realistic language for describing the entire rich range of human sensations, emotions, ideas and spiritual aspirations. Every purchaser of this book will receive a free horoscope via the Internet showing the planets at our birth and a list of important dates from conception to old age. We can only explore the horoscope and its meanings by studying our own life, our parents' legacy and the qualities we pass on to our children.
This vision of astrology expands and enriches a basic knowledge of astrology and reunites psychology and biology with our family system so that we may learn to accept and nurture those relationships that created us. The many thousands of individuals who have experienced this wisdom of life recognize its sublime and powerful value as the greatest gift we can give ourselves understanding and accepting who we truly are. This book will enable your quest for identity and give us useful tools with which to explore your surface and our depths.Order A New Vision of Astrology from your local bookstore or through these links:
See the newly-created website
Sacred Architecture
Vega Books UK (Sept 2002) & Sterling Publishers US (Apr 2003)
By A T Mann
Books (UK, 1993), Barnes & Noble, Quality Paper Backs (US, 1994); Atrium
(Holland, 1996);
(Switzerland,Germany, 1996); Vega Books (London, 2002); Sterling (New
York, 2003)
For much of our history all architecture not only religious monuments and buildings created a context of the sacred. Sacred Architecture is a re-discovery of our collective heritage, showing us how to understand the symbols of change provided by the buildings and monuments of our ancestors. The language of the sacred can be seen buildings in which astronomical, mythic, geometric and structural patterns have been incorporated, reflecting the ancient traditions rooted in astrology and cosmos. Such sacred images, buildings and sites are not merely stylistic ornaments, but also depict cosmic principles which still have meaning and relevance to us today.
From the early astrological and mythical influences that determined the location, siting, form and function or early monuments, the book travels around the world and through history up to the present time, showing us how the reflection of the images of earth and heaven in architecture has all but disappeared.
Order Sacred Architecture from your local bookstore or through these links:
"Mystische Architektur" @
Published in the US by Sterling Publishers Published in the UK by Vega
ISBN: 1843333554; 19 June, 2002
Sacred Sexuality
Vega Books UK (Sept 2002) & Sterling Publishers US(Apr 2003)
By A T Mann and Jane Lyle
Books (UK & US, 1995), Barnes & Noble, Quality Paper Backs (US, 1995);
Hovedland (Denmark, 1997);
(Switzerland/Germany, 1996);Vega
Books (London, 2002); Sterling (New York, 2003)
In many ancient faiths sexuality was the ultimate sacred act and the central holy sacrament. Lust originally meant joy experienced through unity with the highest divinity, and was a central element of the religions and cultures which revered the feminine. Tantric Buddhist beliefs identify sacred sexuality with the bliss which engendered life and the universe. Sexuality is a sacred function and brings life-giving benefits, precious stores of essence and energy, and is the ultimate source of initiation and teachings about life.
Sacred Sexuality explores the origins and practices of sexuality as an integration of heaven and earth in many diverse cultures throughout the world. Attitudes toward sexuality have changed profoundly since the ancient Mother Goddess fertility rites and the images of integration between female and male throughout history present an antidote to the repression and gender divisions in modern society.
Sacred Sexuality belongs to our ancient past and to our future. It unites mind, body and spirit and offers us a link between natural, sensual pleasures and profound feelings which are universal and innocent. In this beautifully produced, lavishly illustrated book, A.T. Mann and Jane Lyle explore the rich heritage of the mythology, practices, poetry and beauty of sexuality as a spiritual process in many diverse cultures throughout the world. In many ancient faiths sexuality was the ultimate sacred act and a central holy sacrament, and lust an experience of oneness with divinity.
This timely book exerts a potent force for change in our attitudes toward sexuality, showing how its symbolism is a source of wisdom and a celebration of the mysteries of male and female growth together. The images are those of a dream and vision whose goal is unity.
Order Sacred Sexuality from your local bookstore or through these links:
"Mystische Sexualitat" @
Sacred Sexuality: ISBN: 1-85230-658-0
- 192 pages new edition
VEGA; ISBN: 1843335832
The Divine
Astrology and Reincarnation
By A T
Cover design, text, book design and all images © A T Mann 1986 & 2002, World Rights in All Media
This synthesis of his two classic books, Life Time Astrology and The Divine Plot by the renowned astrologer A T Mann brings together halves of a cosmic puzzle. The Divine Plot is a theory of time and consciousness that puts forward an explanation of many of the enigmas of life today. It confronts questions such as: Where does the evolution of consciousness lead? Why is mythology central to the psyche? Was there an ancient civilization called Atlantis? Did life originate with extraterrestrials in the remote past? Can number and symbolism unify the physical world and the spiritual world? What is reincarnation and how does it work? And, the most important question of all: Are we approaching the end of a World Age?
The revolutionary astrological ideas of A T Mann link astrology with biology, the new physics, esoteric spirituality, eastern religion, psychology and myth to redefine experiential time in life by using a unique logarithmic time scale that dates events from before conception to old you're your lifetime from conception to death is a reflection of the process of humanity throughout history, metaphorically and literally. By correlating the mathematics of time with your birth chart you can find your previous incarnations in history. We all carry a record of the grand creation of the universe within, waiting to be decoded. The evolution of consciousness is happening now, and The Divine Life holds the key. Paperback 352 pages with many illustrations
"The Divine Plot is one of the most important astrological works of the 20th century. Not only does it put astrology into an absolutely central position for understanding the development of human history and consciousness, it also gives astrology a new dimension and practical tools by introducing logarithmic time-scales. A T Mann gives a breathtaking new angle to the age-old schism between faith and science, and between material and spiritual concepts, that in time will be decisive for astrology's position in western society. This book is a must for anybody who has the courage to call themselves an astrologer." Jesper Bernth-Andersen, Chairman of The Danish Astrological Association
"I highly recommend Tad Mann's incredible and innovative work in understanding prior lifetimes that affect our current life. His work is as brilliant as it is innovative". Jeff Green, author of Pluto
Order The Divine Life from your local bookstore or through these links:
Published in the US by Sterling Publications; ISBN: 1843334631; October 2002
Published in the UK by Vega; ISBN: 184333463; 5 September, 2002
The Secrets of the Tarot:
A Guide to Inner Wisdom
By A T
Books (UK & US, 1993); Forlaget Forum (Sweden),
Lindhardt & Ringhof (Denmark), Aurum Verlag (Germany), Editiouro SA (Brasil),
Kawade Shobo (Japan), Sinisukk (Estonia), Oferim (Israel); Thorsons/HarperCollins
(UK & US, 2002)
Thorsons/HarperCollins UK & US
published as "The Elements of the Tarot" and reissued in 1999 as
"New Perspectives: Tarot"
The ancient and mystical art of the Tarot is not just about telling fortunes. By using the Tarot you can tap into hidden knowledge within the psyche to enhance both your daily life and your spiritual development. The Tarot cards are symbolic keys whose function is to open up the psyche to new ideas, concepts, feelings and spiritual possibilities. Tarot symbols both conceal and reveal their mysteries according to your ability to concentrate or meditate upon them. The deeper you can go into their world, the more they will awaken true contact with the soul. The Secrets of the Tarot is a fresh approach to learning how to understand and use the cards, and explains in detail:
Using the Tarot for divination
How to interpret each Tarot card
Using the Tarot for self-development
Problem solving for yourself and others
Using guided imagery to explore the symbolism of the cards
190 pages, many illustrations, many tables.
Order The Secrets of the Tarot from your local bookstore or through these links:
The Elements of The Tarot @ Barnes & Noble
of the Tarot: Paperback (March 2002)
Thorson's/HarperCollins; ISBN: 0007140509
Available from Vega Books in February 2003
The Round
Art of Astrology
An Illustrated Guide to Theory and Practice
By A T
Cover design and image, book design, text and all images © A T Mann 1979 World Rights in All Media
Dragon's World (UK, 1979 & 1991), Gremese Editore (Italy, 1981), Vega (UK, 2003), Sterling (US, 2003)
The Round Art is an internationally recognized classic of modern astrology for its ideas, design and artwork, all created by the author. It is a unique synthesis of astrology, biology, physics, psychology, mythology, history and healing. The Round Art presents astrology as a metaphor for exploring the nature of biological and psychological time. Its unique metaphor is that the spiralling solar system through time resonates with the DNA genetic spiral, transmitting information instantly from cosmos to individual. It is unique and brilliant in its integration of time and space through meaning.
The Round Art includes a complete education in astrological history, theory, philosopy and techniques, including original and innovative new ideas. Also included are interpretation tables, correspondences, sample horoscopes and hundreds of colour illustrations. With its new edition, it will have reappeared at twelve-year intervals since publication.
300 pages, 350 colour illustrations, many horoscopes, astrological tables.
You can order a Life Time Astrology program
for Window or have a personal reading
Pre-order The Round Art of Astrology through this link:
The Round Art of Astrology, Vega Books: ISBN: 1843336987
The Mandala
Astrological Tarot
By A T
& Row/SF (US, 1987 & 1997); Macmillan (UK, 1987),
Interbook (Germany, 1988), Agostini (Italy, 1988)
The Mandala Astrological Tarot is a book and tarot deck designed and painted by A T Mann. The images are circular mandalas on square cards that can be oriented with the astrological angles and correspond to the signs of the zodiac, planets and decanates. The four-colour book contains complete interpretations, pictures of each card and many new techniques for reading and learning the cards. It is truly the most beautiful integration of astrology and tarot that exists.
300 pages, 350 colour illustrations, many horoscopes, astrological tables.
You can order this book through your local bookshop or:
From the US online bookstore in California, "The Source"
In the UK: The Mandala Astrological Tarot @
The Mandala Astrological Tarot @ Out-of-Print Orders
The Mandala Astrological Tarot: ISBN: 1-85230-323-9
The Future of Astrology
Essays by Modern Astrologers
by A T Mann
Cover design, book design and all images © A T Mann 1988 World Rights in All Media
198 pages, illustrations and horoscopes.
(Unwin Hyman, 1988)
Astrology is at the heart of a revolution in values in the modern world. It is clear that for man to survive, a new set of principles for human interaction must be formulated. We need to learn how to integrate humanity with natural and astrological patterns a 'human ecology' is vital for the next millennium. Tbe Future of Astrology is a selection of essays written by some of the foremost international astrologers in the world today. These provocative astrologers include: Robert Hand, Dane Rudhyar, Layla Rael, John Addey, Jim Lewis, Dennis Elwell, Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Charles Harvey, Bruno & Louise Huber, Roger Elliot, Alan Oken and A T Mann. Among areas of interest covered in these papers are research, psychology and astrology, science versus astrology, professionalism, the politics of astrology, astro-economics, esoteric astrology, astrological organisations, astrology as revolutionary science, new links between astrology and biology, counselling and astrological predictions about the future of our world.
The astrologers included are from the USA, England, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and France. The papers are for those with enquiring minds rather than specialists no prior astrological knowledge is necessary. Discover for yourself what is to come in the exciting world of astrology. So that you can meet these important astrologers as well as read rheir essays, there is a photograph, birth information and an astrological chart, a biography and bibliography for each one. The Future of Astrology is a guide for further reading and a compendium of current astrology.
"A most excellent addition to that small number of books that are actually worth buying and reading and keeping and re-reading and recommending . . ." Charles Harvey, former President, Astrological Association UK
You can order this book through your local bookshop or:
The Future of Astrology @ Barnes & Noble Out-of-Print
In the UK: The Future of Astrology (Unwin Hyman) @
The Future of Astrology: ISBN: 0-04-133023-4
Astrology and the Art of Healing
By A T
Cover design, book design, text and all images © A T Mann 1987 World Rights in All Media
Unwin Hyman (UK, 1989), Editoro Pensamento (Brasil, 1990), Aquamarin Verlag (Germany, 1993)
There is a crisis in healing. While conventional medicine treats pathological symptoms rather than discovering the causes of illness, it is the complementary therapies that address issues concerning the whole self, which of itself can cure those imbalances that create disease. There is a whole range of such therapies psychotherapies work with the emotions and the mind, bodywork with the physical body, aromatherapy and massage with the senses and feelings, and acupuncture and radionics with energy, to mention a few. A great question the book answers is, "Which therapy or combination of therapies is right for me?"
Astrology and the Art of Healing describes the principles and practice of medical astrology in a new and revolutionary way. Each physical, emotional, mental and spiritual therapy relates to the stages of your life in which problems originate. Many sample horoscopes will show how to derive astrological/medical insights and choose a combination of therapies that are most appropriate for you.
310 pages, 66 illustrations, many horoscopes, astrological tables.
Astrology and the Art of Healing @
Astrologie und Heilkunst @
Astrology and the Art of Healing: ISBN: 0-04-440248-1
Millennium Prophecies
Predictions for the Year 2000
By A T
Book design, text and all images © A T Mann 1991 World Rights in All Media
143 pages, 12 illustrations, many tables.
Element Books UK &US, 1992); Scherz Verlag (Germany), Tirion (Holland), Edesuiz Kado (Hungary), Ediciones Martinez (Spain), Bogan Forlag (Denmark), KK Longsellers (Japan), Hilt & Hansteen (Norway), Editora Kuarup (Brasil), Societatea Adevarul (Romania), Sinisukk (Estonia), Neri Pozza (Italy, 1996), Goldman (Germany, 1998)
Millennium Prophecies is about not only the Year 2000 transition, but also about the nature of prophecy itself. Given the increasing problems with the environment, the breakdown of Communism, overpopulation, increasing natural disasters, the next decades may well determine the future of our planet. Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and many others have prophesied dramatic events leading up to a following the millennium. Astrologers point to the Grand Alignment of outer planets in 1999 and May 2000 as a cause, but many other interesting and essential prophecies have been made about our common future.
Millennium Prophecies reviews relevant and irrelevant historical and modern prophecies, speculates about the human need for prophecy, and makes informated astrological judgements of the next crucial years of our race on earth. All information is charted in tables of events. The entire range is here, from Nostradamus to St. Malachy, from ancient astrologers and visionaries to modern scientists. This book will prepare you for beginnings and endings.
Review of "Millennium Prophecies" in Gnosis: A Journal of Western Inner Traditions, #33: The Earth
You can order this book through your local bookshop or:
Prophecies (Element Books Paperback) @B&N Online
Millennium Prophecies @
In the UK: Millennium Prophecies @
Prophezeiungen zur Jahrtausendwende (Goldmann) @ Deutschland
Prophezeiungen zur Jahrtausendwende (Scherz) @ Deutschland
Millennium Prophecies: ISBN: 1-85230-685-8
To be republished by Thorsons/HarperCollins, UK
The Elements of Reincarnation
By A T
All images and text © A T Mann 1995 World Rights in All Media
(Element Books (UK & US, 1995); Forlaget Forum (Sweden), Lindhardt & Ringhof (Denmark, 1996), Zweitausendeins Verlag (Germany), Strengholts Boeken (Holland), Arnoldo Mondadori (Italy, 1997), Tammi (Finland, 1997), HYB (Turkey, 1997)
The Elements of Reincarnation is a survey of the wide range of reincarnation beliefs of many cultures, including Neolithic, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Hindu, Buddhist and others. Also presented is a unique system developed by A T Mann that allows one to determine the times of history of our earlier incarnations from the astrological horoscope. This book corrects many misconceptions people have of this powerful and important phenomenon. (Reprinted five times in its first two years.)
138 pages, 16 illustrations and tables.
You can order this book through your local bookshop or:
The Elements of Reincarnation @ Barnes & Noble
The Elements of Reincarnation (Element Edition) @ Barnes & Noble
The Elements of Reincarnation @
In the UK: The Elements of Reincarnation @
The Elements of Reincarnation: ISBN: 1-85230-698-X
Repackaged by Vega Books in September 2002 as "The Divine Life"
Life Time Astrology
By A T
Book design, text and all images © A T Mann 1984 World Rights in All Media
Allen & Unwin, 1984; Harper & Row/SF, 1986; Sphinx Verlag (Germany, 1986), Veen (Holland, 1987), Borgen Forlag (Denmark, 1987), Element Books (UK, 1991), Urania Russia, 1996.)
Life Time Astrology presents a revolutionary new way of understanding your astrological pattern from conception to old age. The unique time scale described allows you to discover the formative events in your life and their meaning by attributing dates to them in the sequence in which they were lived. This approach to astrology reflects the discoveries of the new physics, where reality is understood as a complex web or relatoinships. Your astrological pattern identifies the people, events and inner mechanisms that define your reality: past, present and future. To understand yourself as a whole in this way is the first step in a long journey to wholeness.
Life Time Astrology recognizes that you spend the first important stage of gestation within your mother's womb, and that the nature of your birth shapes your personality. This is then modified by your home and family environment during childhood. The correct interpretation of your horoscope takes these factors into consideration. The technique of Life Time Astrology is easy and accurate, and has been aproven help for expectant mothers, parents, teachers, therapists, healers and anyone interested in helping themselves and others. The result of this revolutionary process is the perception of a true human ecology.
pages, many illustrations, horoscopes, and interpretation tables.
You can order a Life Time Astrology program for Windows or have a personal reading
Order The Divine Life from your local bookstore or through these links:
Life Time Astrology: ISBN: 1-85230-391-3
- 352 pages (15 September, 2002)
VEGA; ISBN: 184333463
Published by Vega Books in September 2002 as "The Divine Life"
The Divine
Astrology and Reincarnation
By A T
Cover design, text, book design and all images © A T Mann 1986 World Rights in All Media
Allen & Unwin (UK, 1986), Element Books (UK & US, 1991), Wilhelm Heyne Verlag (Germany, 1993)
The Divine Plot is a theory of time and consciousness that puts forward an hypothesis explaining many of the enigmas of life today. It confronts questions such as: Where does the evolution of consciousness lead? Why is mythology central to the human psyche? Was there an ancient civilization called Atlantis? Did life originate from extra-terrestrial beings in the remote past? How and where did humanity originate? Can number unify the physical world to the psyche in a Unified Theory? What is reincarnation? How does it work and can previous incarnations be accurately determined. And, the most important question of all: Are we nearing the End of a World Age?
The revolutionary astrological system of A. T. Mann links astrology with biology, new physics, psychology by redefining experiential time in life using the relativistic concept of biological time. An individual lifetime from conception to death is a reflection of the life of humanity, metaphorically and literally; and all history from the big bang to the subatomic realm can be related in a series of octaves using the language of astrology as the key. We all carry a record of the entire grand creation of the universe within, waiting to be decoded. The evolution of consciousness is happening to us now! The microcosm is the macrocosm, and the Divine Plot is the key.
The Divine Plot is first system to define the exact times in history of the major developmental stages of the evolution of consciousness and to apply them to a specific dating of one's previous incarnations. Using a simple time scale even those with no astrological understanding can orient themselves in time and space and discover when the priest, the warrior and maiden within you roamed the recesses of history. You can investigate the reasons behind Nostradamus' predictions, the phenomenon of the precession of the equinoxes, déjà vu, the madness of Nietzsche and the crucifixion of cosmic gods.
282 pages, 50 illustrations, many fascinating tables.Order The Divine Life from your local bookstore or through these links:
Das Geheimnis der Jahrtausendwende @
The Divine Plot: ISBN: 0-04-133015-3
- 352 pages (September, 2002)
VEGA; ISBN: 1843334631
The Phenomenon Book of Calendars 1978-1979
By A T
Mann, Giuseppe Maria Sesti,
Mary Flanagan and Painton Cowen
Publications (UK & US, 1978-1979); Originally 1973-1974; and 1974-1975,
1977-1978 edition, Anchor/Doubleday & Dragon's World Ltd; 1978-1979 edition,
Anchor/Doubleday & Dragon's World Ltd;
1979-1980 edition, Fireside/Simon & Schuster & Dragon's World Ltd.)
The Phenomenon Book of Calendars was a yearly astrological almanac that compared the Western Civilian Calendar with many other calendar systems such as the Hebrew, Islamic, Mayan, Aztec, Chinese, Hindu, Chinese Astrological and the Astrological Calendar. Included were migration times, lunar planting times, festivals, rites, birthdays, holidays and other timings of importance.
48 pages, many illustrations and tables.
Order used copies of this book through either or
The Phenomenon Book of Calendars: ISBN:0-671-24247-4
My Essay on Feng Shui in:
The Feng Shui Anthology: Contemporary Earth Design
Edited by Jami Lin
Earth Design Inc (US, 1997)
Contemporary Earth Design is an anthology of essays by prominent Feng Shui masters and practitioners such as Grand Master Lin Yun, Sarah Rossbach, Angel Thompson, Derek Walters and Dennis Fairchild, as well as my essay: "Feng Shui and Healing Architecture." which you can read by clicking on this link.
You can order this book through your local bookshop or:
Earth Design Incorporated, P O Box 530725, Miami Shores, FL 33138, Tel: 305 756 6426 Fax: 305 751 9995
"A Feng Shui Anthology: Contemporary Earth Design" @B&N Online
Exploring Consciousness in the Horoscope
edited by Noel Jan Tyl
Llewellyn Publications, 1994
Includes chapters by Noel Tyl, Steven Forrest, Diana Stone, David & Lucy Pond, Sandy Hughes, Michael Munkasey, Tad Mann "Astrological Reincarnation," Edwin Steinbrecher and Errol Weiner.
281 pages with illustrations.
Order this book used through